How to get to Du Gia village in Ha Giang ?

Where is Du Gia?

Du Gia is a commune of Yen Minh district, Ha Giang province. Not as popular as Dong Van, Meo Vac, Lung Cu for tourists but Du Gia has its own peaceful beauty, the hidden gem right in the middle of Du Gia national park. Du Gia is well known as a fairy land by locals with 14 villages, 9 different groups of minorities.
Coc Pang is not only the central village of Du Gia which is surrounded with impressive mountains but it also the only village can preserve some traditional house on stills of Tay minority.

How to get to Du Gia?

There is no way to come directly from Hanoi to Du Gia without private vehicle.Du Gia is about 75 kilometers from Ha Giang, If you want to travel to Du Gia from Hanoi there are some options after an overnight bus from Hanoi to Ha Giang 7 hours:

1. About 3.5 hours by the local bus from the bus station in Ha Giang city. How the bus is? Really local experience, basic 29 seasts bus with no A/C, open window. It should be quite tired with many passes and bumpy road and you cannot have the full view of the scene which is limited by the window of the bus.
2. Taxi or rent a car? It is expensive and you can still not enjoy the full view and the real feel of being at the place.
3. Get a bus to Ha Giang city and rent a motorcycle and ride it yourself to Du Gia. It should be good option for locals or experts in motorcycle but not ordinary tourist. Why? The road is dangerous for someone who do not get used to drive motorcycle and it is not allowed by Vietnamese law without an international license.
4. You can also book a tour with an easy rider. It should be the best option, you are free to enjoy the scenery. It is safe and it is very meaningful to support the locals here. There are some good companies organize tour and Happy L00P Tour By Híp Ha Giang is trusted by many customers
Where to stay in Du Gia?

Where to stay in Du Gia? About Cheers Du Gia Homestay.

Du Gia Cheers hostel is very honor to be a CBT (community based tourism) supported by Happy L00P Tour team.
It is one traditional old house of a Tay family. Being here, you can really be in a homestay, stay with locals, eat with local and cheer with locals. Cheers do not bring you nice facilities with air condition, luxury bath room. What we want to deliver you is the peace and the chance to live like locals here.

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